Please browse our art gallery below and enjoy the beautiful pieces the children have been creating recently!
Statement of Intent
Produce creative work
Develop proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms
Purpose of Study:
Creativity is considered one of the most highly valued skills a person can have. At Lexden Primary School we believe that a high quality art and design curriculum should FASCINATE, STIMULATE and MOTIVATE pupils to continue their love of art, craft and design into their future lives. Not only can the creativity that is developed through a love of Art offer people great opportunities in terms of employment, but also in terms of mental health and mindfulness, something which we value greatly at Lexden.
Children learn to reflect upon a range of artists, craftmakers and designers and they learn how art and design has shaped history, locally, nationally and internationally.
Who is a Lexden artist?
A Lexden artist is able to confidently critique the work of artists and designers. They can use appropriate language and can evaluate their own artworks using a range of artistic vocabulary.
A Lexden artist is not afraid to experiment with new techniques and enjoys learning about the different processes that an artist might have taken. They are also not afraid of making mistakes because they know that even the masters would have made many attempts before settling on their final versions.
Key elements to our Art curriculum:
Purposeful and engaging learning opportunities encourage artistic development through:
- Revisiting objectives across all artistic areas from across year groups to ensure fluency and mastery are embedded;
- Repeatedly exposing children to a wide range of media and materials to allow them to develop mastery of skills and techniques;
- Deliberately focusing on influential artists, craft makers and designers to ensure expose to the highest quality arts and crafts.