Trafalgar Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 9AS

01206 573519

Lexden Primary School

Community, Courage, Curiosity and Commitment

Statutory information

School information

Performance data 2024 (provisional)

Performance data - Historic

School and college performance tables

Schools Financial Benchmarking

SEN Information Report

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2021-22

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2022-23 

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2023-24

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

Sports Premium Development Plan and Impact 2023-24

Accessibility plan 2024-26


OFSTED Report 2014

OFSTED Report 2018

OFSTED Report 2023



Admission Policy

All applications for places in our school must be made through the Local Authority, Essex County Council. Admissions can be contacted on Tel:  033301 32244 or via Please read the School Admission Policies Directory North East Essex, available on their site, for full details of admissions into our school .  

Lexden Primary School offers enhanced provision of 18 places for children with a hearing impairment who have an (EHCP) Education Health Care Plan. Applications for one of these places should be made through the Statutory Assessment Service in the first instance.

The school also has a 26 place Nursery Class. Children are eligible for a place (subject to availability) from the term after their third birthday. The school manages applications for nursery places, please go to the Nursery tab on this website for more information.


Behaviour Policy

The purpose of this policy is to create pro-social experiences for children that will create pro social feelings.  These in turn will generate behaviours that are positive to the child/children and their school community.


Governing Body Behaviour Statement of Principles - April 24

This policy has been developed to:
 promote good behaviour, self-discipline and respect;
 prevent bullying;
 provide guidance to staff;
 promote partnership with parents;
 promote school improvement;
 comply with national legislation.


Charging and Remissions Policy Statement- Mar22

The Governing Body of Lexden Primary School recognises the valuable contribution that a wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils' education. The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities.



Schools and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. 


Harmful Sexual Behaviour/Child on Child Abuse Policy

It is normal for some children and young people (CYP) to display sexualised behaviour towards their peers as they develop. However, sexualised behaviour between peers that has become harmful or abusive is unacceptable and must be addressed.


Equalities Action Plan and Equality Objectives

The governing body and school is committed to a policy of equality and aims to ensure that no employee, job applicant, pupil or other member of the school community is treated less (or more) favourably on grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability or religious belief. 


Keeping Children Safe in Education

This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 and the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015. Schools and colleges must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This means that they should comply with it unless exceptional circumstances arise. 


Visitors' and Visiting Speakers Policy

 Visitors are welcome to Lexden Primary School. They make a contribution to the life and work of the school in many different ways. The learning opportunities and experience they bring are encouraged and appreciated. It is the school’s responsibility, however, to ensure that the security and welfare of its pupils is not compromised at any time. The school is equally responsible to the whole school community for ensuring that visitors comply with the guidelines.


Whistle blowing policy

It is important to the board that any suspected fraud, misconduct, malpractice or wrongdoing by workers or employees of the school is reported and properly dealt with. The board is committed to creating an open and supportive environment where individuals feel able to “speak up” about any genuine concerns regarding the alleged wrongful conduct of the employer, or about the conduct of a fellow employee, or any third party.

Any Information on the website can be provided in hard copy free of charge.


The Governing Body


Local Authority Governor - Janet Ortega (Vice Chair of Governors)

Co-opted Governor - 

Co-opted Governor - Matt Simpkins

Co-opted Governor - Helen Hudson

Co-opted Governor - Michael Puttick (Chair of Governors)

Co-opted Governor  - Yamuna Nair

Co-opted  Governor  - Thusara Rajapakse

Parent Governor - Nicola Taylor 

Parent Governor - Rebecca Tran

Staff Governor - Caroline Searle 

Headteacher - Alex Candler

Associate Members (Deputy Headteachers) - Zoe Emson-Sewell and Scarlett Lloyd

Associate Member - Sarah Gilbranch

Clerk - Charmaine Scott


GB Link Area & Monitoring Visits Sept23 to Jul24.pdf

GB Diversity Data - Jan2024.pdf

Annual Report of Governance 2022-23.1.pdf

Governing Body Business Interests 

Lexden Scheme of Delegation

Code of Conduct for the Governing Body - Sept 24 

Terms of Office & Committees-(as at Oct24)

Governing Body Link Area & Monitoring Visits - Sept23 to Jul24